Sunday 12 February 2023

How to build a good rapport with your counselling clients?

Counselling can be a very beneficial intervention for people who are struggling with mental health issues. However, it can be difficult to build a good rapport with your clients. This is because counselling is not just a one-time event. It is a process that requires consistency and dedication. In this post, we are going to share with you some tips on how to build a good rapport with your counselling clients. From understanding their needs and identifying your strengths, to setting realistic goals and following through, read on to learn how to build a good rapport with your counselling clients.

1. How to start the counselling relationship

When starting out as a counsellor, it is important to establish a good rapport with your clients. This means being understanding, listening attentively, and being able to talk openly about your feelings.

Initially, it may be difficult to open up about your experiences and feelings. However, by doing so, you will be able to build trust and rapport with your clients. This will help them feel comfortable talking about their experiences and problems.

You should also be careful not to overreact to your clients' comments or behaviour. If you do, you may end up making them feel uncomfortable and discouraged. Remember to remain objective and unbiased when counselling your clients.

Above all, be patient and let the counselling relationship develop gradually. This will help build trust and rapport between you and your clients.

2. How to establish trust

Building a good rapport with your counselling clients starts with establishing trust. Trust is key in any therapeutic relationship and it's important that you build it from the beginning.
You should make sure to be open, honest, and respectful with your clients and be willing to listen. You should also be prepared to answer any questions they may have and be willing to provide support.
Be authentic and genuine with your clients and you'll be able to build a strong relationship that will lead to better outcomes for both of you.
How to manage dissenting views

3) Managing dissenting views
 is a delicate balance. It's important to be supportive of your clients while also respecting their opinions and feelings. This is a difficult task, but it's one that is essential in building a good rapport with your counselling clients.

When it comes to counselling, it's important to be open to different viewpoints. This means that you should be willing to listen to your clients and not immediately react. This is essential in preventing heated arguments that could ruin your relationship with your clients.
When disagreements do arise, it's important to be respectful of your clients' feelings. This doesn't mean that you have to agree with them, but it does mean that you should be willing to listen and understand their point of view.

4. How to encourage clients to participate in counselling

One of the most important things you can do to build a good rapport with your counselling clients is to encourage them to participate in counselling. Encouraging your clients to participate in counselling can be done in a number of ways. You can offer them a discount on their counselling session if they attend, you can offer to pay for their session, or you can simply offer to listen to them.
It is important to remember that counselling is not a one-time event. It is important for your clients to feel like they can come to you with anything they are struggling with. If you can encourage your clients to come to counselling, then you will be able to help them in a number of ways.

5. How to deal with difficult clients

Dealing with difficult clients can be a challenge, but it's important to be respectful and understanding. Here are a few tips to help you build a good rapport with your counselling clients:

1. Listen carefully. It's important to really focus on what your client is saying and not judge them.
2. Respect their feelings. It's natural for clients to feel frustrated and upset, and you should do your best to be understanding.
3. Respect their time. Don't try to rush your client and be sure to give them the time they need.
4. Be professional. Always keep your counselling sessions professional and respectful. This will help your client feel comfortable and respected.
5. Be patient. It can take time to build a good rapport with your clients, but it's worth it in the end.

6. How to build a good rapport with your counselling clients

Building a good rapport with your counselling clients is important. Not only will it make your job of counselling them easier, but it will also help them to feel more comfortable with you.
A good way to start building rapport is by being interested in your clients. Ask them about their lives and what brings them to counselling. This will help you to gain a better understanding of them and what might be causing them pain.
It's also important to be sympathetic. This means that you should understand what the client is going through and why they are coming to counselling. You should also be supportive and listen attentively. This will help to build trust and confidence in your counselling relationship.

7. Final thoughts

Building a good rapport with your counselling clients is important in order to create a successful counselling session. Here are a few tips to help you develop a good rapport with your clients:

1. Listen attentively - When you are listening to your clients, you are able to understand them better and develop a better rapport.

2. Take note of your clients' feelings - When you are able to take note of your clients' feelings, you will be able to provide them with the support they need.

3. Be genuine - When you are genuine with your clients, they will be able to trust and confide in you.

4. Be patient - It can take some time to build a good rapport with your clients, but it is worth it in the end.

We hope you enjoyed our blog post about how to build a good rapport with your counselling clients. rapport is key when it comes to counselling, as it helps to build trust and understanding between you and your client. We shared some tips on how to build rapport with your clients, and we hope that you found them helpful. If you have any questions or would like to talk more about building rapport with your clients, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to help!



Thursday 28 December 2017

About Me

Thank you for visiting my blog I am open to new and challenging opportunities all the time. Writing is my all time favorite. 
An experienced psychologist with qualities present to become a successful therapist as I possess alacrity of the mind and have a deep sense of compassion, care and empathy. This, along with my ability to articulate with complete clarity, equip me with qualities that are essential to become a successful therapist.
Along with an impeccable academic background in Psychology, I have had the opportunity to work with diverse population suffering from psychological issues and I have successfully treated a lot of them. 
Psychological testing is also my forte as i have administered a lot of them such as Davis Battery of differential ability, MMPI, SFBT, MISIC, TAT, Beck's Depression inventory , Rorschach Inkblot test and the like . 
I follow the humanistic approach to therapy along with cognitive behavioural therapy. 
A voracious reader and singer by heart with a spiritual bent of mind. Swami Vivekananda is an inspiration for me always. 
Feel free to visit my website to book a consultation with me. The link is:
You can also read my blog @
I can also be contacted at www.

Saturday 23 December 2017


Eating disorders include illnesses that comprises of irregular eating  habits , and distress about the shape and/or weight of the body.  The most common forms of eating disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
Eating disorders develops during the teenage years   and can have a detrimental effect on the overall wellbeing of a patient if not addressed properly.
Anorexia Nervosa :  A male or female suffering from Anorexia Nervosa shall have an unrealistic fear of gaining weight along with a negative body image since they would perceive themselves as overweight. This can lead to severe health complications such as infertility, multiple organ failure , etc. Therefore it becomes mandatory to get it treated as soon as possible.
Bulimia Nervosa :   This is characterized by repeated binge eating and then compensatory behaviour for overeating such as forced vomiting, exercise, or extreme use of laxatives. Bulimia can have injured effects like gastrointestinal problems, severe dehydration and heart issues.
Binge Eating :   Individual suffering from Binge eating will lose control over their eating and binge eating is not followed by compensatory behaviours. This would make them obese and also can lead to a lot of health issues.
1.      Constant weight fluctuations
2.      Lethargy
3.      Obsession with food
4.      Social withdrawal
5.      Switching between overeating and fasting
6.      Dieting behaviour despite weight loss
7.      Dress in layers to hide weight loss and/or to stay warm
8.      Deny feeling hungry
9.      Stealing or hoarding food in secret places
10.  Unusual swelling of cheeks and jaw area
11.  Sleep issues
12.  Muscle weakness
13.  Dry skin

Treatment of Eating Disorders :

·         Nutrition :  This would involve weight stabilization through meal planning.
·         Therapy : Therapy is important since it would help the individual in recovering from traumatic life events and also would help in dealing with negative mindset. Therapy also helps in learning coping mechanisms and healthy ways of expressing emotions and communication.
·         Medication : Some medication can be effective in dealing with the mood swings that accompany a mood disorder.
·         Medical health care :  Medical health care can help in addressing consequences that accompany eating disorders.
·         Divert your mind : Do not forget to go to a movie, play with pets,  reaf a good book or just hang out with friends.
·         Pamper yourself :  Pamper ourselves and stay away from fashion magazines which makes you compare your own body with others. Take care of yourself and choose dress up for yourself.  Also stay active by engaging yourselves in your favourite hobby.
·         Support system : It is very important to develop a solid support system so that they encourage you to maintain healthy regime.
·         Love and accept yourself : Learn to love and accept your body as it is .

Monday 18 December 2017



Image result for suicide
Mental illness can lead to suicide if left untreated.  The important signs of a person planning suicide are :
1.      Looking for means to kill oneself
2.      Expressions of being in unbearable pain
3.      Thinking oneself of being a burden on others
4.      Showing anger and waiting to take revenge
5.      Displaying severe mood swings
6.      Being alcoholic
7.      Acting very agitated or anxious
8.      Feelings of hopelessness

Talking about suicide would put the idea into the person’s head :   It is helpful in talking about suicide with the concerned person and this would bring an instant relief to the person since talking would help them feel less fearful and more in control.
People who attempt suicide wish to die : It is not necessary that people who attempt suicide want to die. They are themselves confused about it and see it as a last resort. Supporting an individual with suicide would help them feel secure.
Suicide is “ attention seeking” : Every talk about suicide requires an empathetic response and needs to be taken seriously.
Suicide happens unexpectedly : Suicide does not happen unexpectedly.  There are a lot of symptoms before a suicide occurs such as depressed mood , alcoholism, negative feelings  social withdrawal etc.
Suicide is a selfish act : People who attempt suicide look at themselves as burden and do not wish to be one. Hence they think that its better to die.
1.      Be Non Judgemental :   When a person expresses his/her intention to commit suicide, do not judge the person. Be patient and listen to the person with a deep sense of empathy.
2.      Offer hope : Try to show the person the positive life of life and infuse positivity.
3.      Take it seriously : When anyone expresses his/her desire to kill oneself or tals about his/her depressed mood take it seriously . Do not pass it off as a mood swing.
4.      Respond promptly :  Respond promptly and ask questions related to the plan of suicide and since when the thoughts of suicide had been occurring.    
5.      Encourage lifestyle changes :  Ask the person to make positive lifestyle changes such as incorporating exercise in the routine and taking a lot of healthy food.
6.      Remove anything risky from the surrounding : Remove any means of suicide such as razor knives etc.
7.      Give Unconditional support :  Be a source of constant and unconditional support to the suicidal patient
8.      Seek Professional Help : Take the suicidal patient to a psychologist or a mental health professional for help.

Tuesday 12 December 2017


Mood disorder encompasses a plethora of disorders which are Unipolar disorder or major depressive disorder , Bipolar disorder , Cyclothymia , Dysthymia , and Hypomania. Mood disorders if left untreated can be crippling to the person experiencing it and also to the people related to the person.
Major Depressive Disorder or Depression comprises of the following symptoms for 2 weeks which are :
·        Depressed mood most of the day or everyday
·        Loss of pleasure in day to day activities
·        Changes in weight and food intake
·        Fatigue
·        Sleeping more or less than usual
·        Feeling of worthlessness and inappropriate guilt
·        Lack of ability to think and concentrate
·        Suicidal ideations

Causes of Depressive Disorders :

1.      Genetic/biological :  The monoamine hypothesis is the common reason for depression which suggests that the reason behind depression is a depletion in the level of serotonin, norepinephrine and or dopamine in the central nervous system.
2.      Personality : The personality of an individual can be an important factor in the development of depression. A highly sensitive individual would be more at risk to develop depression due to oversensitivity to external stimuli such as criticism.
3.      Drug and Alcohol use : A lot of abuse of drug and alcohol can ultimately lead to depression.
4.      Social Causes : Social factors such as unemployment, financial crisis  poverty  can be the leading causes of depression.

Treating  Major Depression  :

Eating right :   Foods rich in vitamin B are quite helpful in treating major depression. Food rich in magnesium is also important in dealing with depression.

Avoid alcohol or processed food : Avoiding  alcohol and processed food can help divert depressive symptoms to a great extent.

Sleeping well :   Sleeping well would help a person with depression to a great extent. A minimum of 8 hours sleep is crucial for an individual with depression.
Exercise :  Exercising can help a lot in fighting depression. Going for walks can be an immediate mood booster.

Therapist :  Going to a therapist is crucial to help cure major depressive symptoms since a therapist is trained in giving proper psychological therapy in order to make the client/patient feel better.

Challenging negative beliefs :  Since depression gives rise to a lot of negative thoughts and emotions , it is important to challenge the negative beliefs and replace them with positive thoughts/emotions. Writing down thoughts can be helpful.

Identifying distorted thought patterns :  Distorted thought patterns need to be identified.

Saturday 9 December 2017


Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health disorders and needs to be dealt with in order to lead a stress free life. All of us face certain levels of anxiety on a regular basis  yet when it starts to disrupt our routine lives, it becomes a threat.
The most common types of anxiety disorders are :

·        Generalized Anxiety Disorder : Worrying is uncontrollable upsetting and stressful for at least six months . A patient with GAD would worry about all sort of things and would expect the worst.

·        Post Traumatic stress disorder : PTSD occurs soon after a very traumatic event and is one of the worst sort of anxiety.

·        Obsessive Compulsive disorder : OCD comprises of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. Patients with OCD constantly seek reassurance.

·        Body Dysmorphic Disorder : People with BDD dislike their part of body like skin, hair , nose, chest , or stomach. The flaw may be insignificant but a person with BDD perceives it as prominent and hence experience distress.

·        Phobia : Phobia is an illogical fear of a particular object or situation.

·        Health Anxiety : A person with health anxiety is preoccupied ith insignificant health concerns.

·        Panic Disorder : In a panic disorder, the client experiences a racing heartbeat, breathlessness and the like without any physical cause or event.

Causes of Anxiety disorder :

·        Past or childhood experiences :   People who experience physical or emotional abuse, loss of parent, neglect, bullying or social exclusion can develop anxiety disorders.
·        Current life situation :  A lot of stress , long working hours, facing financial issues, and unemployment can lead to the development of anxiety disorders.
·        Physical or mental problems :   Physical and mental problems can lead to anxiety in an individual and cripple his/her daily activities.
·        Drugs and Medication :  Taking a lot of drugs and medication can lead to the development of anxiety disorders.

Beating Anxiety :

·        Talking to someone you trust : Talking about your innermost feeling with a trustworthy individual can help in beating anxiety. It provides an emotional release and builds hope in the individual dealing with anxiety.
·        Managing worries :  People with anxiety disorders tend to obsess about their worry . Hence they can set aside specific times in the day for worrying. This would give them a relief from the obsession.
·        Breathing exercises : Deep breathing exercises canhelp relieve anxiety symptoms by providing relief to the mind of the individual.
·        Maintaining a diary :  Keeping a diary and jotting down thoughts can help identify negative thought patterns which can then be replaced by positive thought patterns.
·        Seeking Therapy : Going to a mental health professional is important since they are trained to provide therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which challenges negative self beliefs.
Anxiety disorders are treatable if handled in a right way along with a proper treatment plan.

Friday 8 December 2017

Self Care Tips for Caregivers of Psychologically ill Patients

Mental illness can afflict anyone and is capable of bringing about a paradigm shift in the course of life of the sufferer and his/her family members. It becomes crucial for caregivers to impart sufficient care to the sufferer in every possible way. Care giving is a challenging task, hence it is important to take care of the mental health of care giver as well.
The most essential prerequisites of care giving areloads of patience and mental strength since lack of mental strength can lead to burnout . It is important to notice the symptoms of burnout in order to maintain mental equilibrium. The symptoms of burnout include lack of energy, neglecting one’s own needs, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness , irritability, trouble in relaxing, mood fluctuations.
Whenever such symptoms are realized , it becomes crucial to relieve those symptoms. Apart from physical symptoms , a caregiver can also experience a range of emotions such as anger/resentment, anxiety and feelings of worthlessness towards life in general, feeling of guilt and grief towards the condition of loved one.
There are several ways in which burnout can be prevented : 
  • Maintaining friendships :It is crucial to be social and maintain relationships because this helps in combating stress and overcoming it. It is always prudent to be socially inclined and share griefs and joys with others in order to help in keeping the mind cheerful.
  • Exercise and meditation : Exercising and meditation are important instruments in keeping the mind fresh and going. Incorporating exercise in everyday routine helps in releasing endorphins which keeps the heart and mind balanced. Walk, going to the gym, yoga, relaxation exercises are some of the activities thatcan be easily incorporated in life.
  • Speak up and share responsibilities : Sharing problems with other family members and seeking their help in the care of the psychologically ill would lead to a significant decrease instress level.
  • Engaging in meaningful hobbies : Engaging in hobbies would bring meaning to life. Reading good literature gardening, going for walk , would help in imparting a meaning to life and replenish lost energy.
  • Rewardingoneself :Positive self talkand rewarding oneself would help in motivating oneself to keep caring for the sufferer.
    • Support group :It is beneficial to join a support group in order make the road smoother.Support groups are available online and offline. These groups are good reservoirs of ideas and mental strength necessary to deal with the challenges of caregiving.
    • Going for regular health checkups : Going to the doctor for regular health checkups is a must to maintain physical health.
    • Good eating habits and sleep : Healthy eating habits and a good amount of sleep would keep stress at bay . Eight hour sleep is crucial for adults. Keeping clear of every kind distraction while sleeping is important.
    • Seek professional help :Seeking help of a counsellor or a therapist can help a caregiver in determining a plethora of ways to balance life and not feel burdened by the presence of a mentally ill patient. Professional help is not only meant for the mentally ill but also for the caregiver. Finding a good counsellor is very important.
    Staying healthy is a choice and following the points mentioned above would definitely help in providing succour to a caregiver from stress.